KG: I love that KT posted my recap before I did. That’s why this blog makes me happy.
It was good.
It went from “Hmm, I dont think he's interested..”
To “oh wait, maybe he is…crap, but now I’m not interested…”
To “Oh you like music that I like…”
To “Oh heeeeeey drink number three…”
But I don’t think I feel any chemistry. But I had a good time.
CW: Soooo…he likes you and you don’t like him back?
KG: Sigh. No. Well maybe? Wait no.
Overall, the date was pretty good. No, I’d say fun. Partly because of the company, partly because victory tastes so sweet (final four baby!!), and partly (read: mostly) because of the booze.
Also I think a highlight was how creeped out he was at how incestual our friend group is.

He thought M introduced us and that our connections were limited to picture A.
But when he said something about M’s boyfriend P and then I commented, he was like, “wait you know P?”
And then I started to unravel exhibit B....
This feels like a chart from the L word…

ok, i am confused. if this were a racetrack i would have died.