Understandably, the only wake up call any of us are REALLY looking for on a Weds is not from an effing blog. But given our current status, we gotta hear how it is from the boys.
Here at SD we're keeping the guy advice coming so that we can all make it to that place where we actually wake up with a real man. Until then, enjoy your Wednesday Wake-Up Call from the boys' club.
Last week, our Mister Monday told us about how other girls in the city are bringing the heat via online dating.* This week’s Mr. Monday recounts his first date in NYC:
As a recent transplant to NYC, I thought I would bring an outside perspective and share a recent dating experience of my own…
The background: I have been in the City for 3 months now and was/am simply looking for someone fun and similar to hang with.
The set-up: We were introduced through a mutual friend via email and had written back-and-forth a couple of times to warm up to each other and figure out a time/place to meet up.
The attire: Yes ladies, guys do care how they look and dress. Some, I have noticed (especially in NYC), take it way too far. I decided to go casual with jeans and a t-shirt. I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard. I did have gel in my hair.
The venue: We ended up meeting at a bar. Some may say “real classy,” but I thought it was really a great place for a first encounter. If the conversation got boring, I could either drink myself into a good time or at least look interested, but distract myself by watching the football game (while continuing to drink of course).
The rundown: Despite my skepticism, it went surprisingly well. The conversation flowed all night; we had a lot in common and shared some laughs. I tried to pace my drinking so I didn’t come off as too much of a drunk, at least right away. I admit toward the end I couldn’t contain myself and ended up having one more beer. When the tab arrived it was a whopping $15…amazing. Salads don’t even cost $15 in New York. Being old fashioned and the gentlemen that I am, I decided to pick up the tab. When I asked the waitress on the way out the door if it was happy hour, she replied with a wink “it’s Anna-hour.” Sorry getting a little off track but thought I would share.
The departure: I could tell from how smoothly the night went that it wasn’t going to get emotional and weird. It was a pretty painless goodbye with a simple “I had a nice time” and “it was great to meet you, hope to meet up again soon.”
Nice, I got the teaser for round two!!
The recap: Overall, Paul has potential. Yes...Paul. All and all, my first NYC “man-date” went well.

No ladies, I’m not looking for romance…but when you are feeling down and out about finding Mr. Right (or even a guy that resembles him) remember that you are not alone.
It is even hard for US GUYS to wade through the d-bags and Jersey boys to find a good friend in the Big Apple.
-- Mister MANday (via Wednesday Wake-Up Call)
OK. So this week’s man was looking for Bromance vs. Romance, but I think the lesson is clear:
If boys can put that much setup and energy into a “man-date,” there aint no way we can settle for anything less from a real-date. Forget asking about what you do for fun, or disasterous ex-es, maybe our new line should be, “when was your last man-date?”
* Last week’s Mister Monday, still available, and has yet to follow up on any of the match.com dates.
** This week’s Mr. MAN just moved across the coast for a beautiful girl (cue the “awwww” sound).
For any romance or bro-mance suggestions for either, or to be a future guy guest blogger, hit us up at: sixteendates (at) gmail.com
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