So we walk in about 1.5 hours into this thang. It's a ZOO. Like a thousand lines, sign up stations and non a clear path to get to the bar. As if that last one wasn't bad enough, I look up and see someone I know. Crap. Not even 3 minutes in.
She is actually this chick I took a flash class with. And happens to be my co-workers neighbor. Awesome.
So we side shuffle past her and get to the bar where the myth of free drinks was proved to be that, a myth.
We learn that we can sign up for one of 4 speed dating events at 8:30.
a) 30 somethings
(We are actually 20 somethings with the maturity of teenagers. That's out.)
b) Fitness
Seriously. THAT was the title. We assumed they'd be muscle heads/we dont really work out regularly. Read: at all lately.
c) Size Matters
(For tall guys 6'1 and above) in parethesis.
d) Puppy Love
KT: umm, what is this? Sign up lady: For ppl who love dogs (with a huge sappy grin). KT: oh, I hate dogs. KG: ugh, that's so much responsibility.
So we've now signed up for a speed dating called: Size Matters. Apparently, integrity doesn't.
We met way too many ppl, including a nice guy with adult braces and this one older man who kept trying have me agree to let him take me to "Sushi Samba." No matter how many times I tried to convince him that I had already, in fact, been to this overly popular chain, he didn't change his tune.
Unfortunately, most of my photos are blurry and dark (we kept being interrupted by 40 year olds who wanted to chat. I don't know whether they actually believed us when we dismissed them by saying we worked for the Guinness Book of World Records aka not allowed to talk to the daters...
I did manage to snag a shot of tanning bed Burt Reynolds:

Overall, we met no one that would live beyond that night or this blog. We didn't burn any calories of the margs we drank dancing. And we spent way too long pretending we worked at the event.
Date-a-palooza? Date-a-puh-lease.
Postscript: i may or may not be late to my first date tonight bc I wanted to make sure to get my blog in. This may or may not also be the reason I dont have so many first dates.
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