
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Update: Guy across the street

Finish my sweaty sesh at hot yoga tonight, which just so happens to be across the street.

Which just so happens to have a nice little balcony where everyone convenes after class.

Which just so happens to look directly into my studio apartment.

Which just so happens to have the lights on.

Which just so happens to reveal that you can see absolutely everything inside my place.

Which just so happens to include my bed, my shower, and my couch.

You think I'd learn my lesson. Walk in, peel off sweaty clothes, now blogging on couch. Naked, but much cooler.

Good night yoga peeps. Good night creepy guy across the street. Good night tourists on the top floor of the Circle Line bus tour. Good night moon.

Oh, and for those of you who can see me, don't judge me for eating this Cutie Tofutti in bed.

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