
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Isn’t it ironic?

The non Alanis Morsette version, since none of the things mentioned in that song were actually ironic at all. They just really sucked.

Anyway, I was thinking, what if one of these dates goes really well?? And so we go on a few more dates, even make it on the “repeats” leaderboard. And (gasp) into DTR (define the relationship) territory.

How do you tell someone:

“Look, you’re really great and I’m having a fantastic time. I know you’re interested in a committed and monogamous relationship, as am I, but you cant be my boyfriend right now…because it will really ruin my blog…that’s about trying to get a boyfriend.”

1 comment:

  1. i was actually thinking this today. i am meeting cameron for our 4th date tonight and was contemplating broaching the subject of okcu, dating challenge, etc. so awkward!!! like how does the convo go??
