
Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Just went on date 2 of 4 with Doug. Doug is nice. Doug is funny. Doug is interesting. Doug kissed me while seated at the bar mid-date. Out of nowhere. Two times in a row. Since when is this acceptable first date behavior?

Also, Doug referred to a bad picture of himself in which it looked like he had a double chin. He's convinced himself he doesn't have one. (Note: the day before this, my friend and I photoshopped Doug's almost double chin out of the picture to see his jawline potential).

Dealbreakers? Probs.


  1. ok, that seriously made me laugh out loud. at my desk. which prompted my staff to look at my screen.

    almost caught.

    always hilarious.

  2. The fact that the double chin was photoshopped before the date and then referenced DURING is amazing.

    How was the inappropriately timed kiss(es)?
